Hi everybody,
This time around I'd like you to try a website that allows you to plan your trips. You are going to have the chance to play a day trip to any city in the world you would like to know. Please follow the instructions and post a description of the activities you are going to do and the hotel you chose to stay with the link so your partners can learn more about it.
Have fun.
1. Go to the page: Triphobo
2. Once you are there type the name of the city in the world you would like to visit and click on:
plan my trip.
3. Enter the name of the city of origin: Cali
and the starting and finishing dates of your trip. Feel free to decide but the dates have to be
from one day to another. E.g. October 14 to October 15.
4. Click on create a plan and choose the places you'd like to visit.
5. Click on save this day. Then click on Add hotels.
6. Look at the list of suggestions and choose a hotel you'd like to stay in. Click on book,
7. The page will redirect you to a description of the hotel you chose. Read a little about it and post your final comments with the activities and the hotel.
Have fun guys.